Exterior Painting and interior painting contractors since 1988.
Our company has done more than 6500 jobs since 1988, with a good many of them performed in the city of WEST LINN. Aside from our fine painting work, we are also experts in Drywall Repairs, Wallpaper Removal and water and fire damage repairs.
When hiring interior painters, you want to find a company like ours that is knowledgeable, highly skilled, neat, clean, and also trustworthy. (Take care for whom you let n your house to work.
Exterior Painting. Here again you need skilled painters, but also a company like ours that has the integrity to provide the best preparation and execution of the project as they can. Almost anyone can put some color on a house, but a homeowner wants quality and longevity which Cascade Painting provides.
West Linn exterior house Painters-Cascade Painting and Restoration |
Interior Painting West Linn -Cascade Painting and Restoration |
Wallpaper Removal and textured West Linn |
Interior Painters in West Linn-Cascade Painting and Restoration |
Call 503-936-3255 today for free estimates.